
First, download and unzip (pass:infected) the pcap:

wget <>

The infected Windows host is part of an AD environment.

The user account is formatted as firstname.lastname.

Following the suggestion from Brad, I'll start by splitting the pcap into separate pcaps by host. Using Endpoints from the Statistics menu, I can find the IPs of the machines in the subnet: .93, .119, .187. The Endpoints menu also gives the ethernet (MAC) addresses which, when resolved, gives us one Cisco, one Dell, and three ASUSTekC adapters (.1, .5, then the three other IPs). I'm going to use the IPs, so a filter for ip.addr== then Export Specified Packets from the File menu (and repeat for .119 and .187).


IP addresses of the infected Windows computers.

Let's start with Export Objects → HTTP. This can show if any malware was downloaded.