This month's pcap is a Trickbot infection in an Active Directory (AD) environment where the infection spreads to the Domain Controller (DC).

Based on the Trickbot infection's HTTP POST traffic, what is the IP address, host name, and user account name for the infected Windows client?

  1. http.request.method == POST → first source =

  2. Follow TCP stream→ → sending system info

What is the other user account name and other Windows client host name found in the Trickbot HTTP POST traffic?

  1. Previous search
    1. Second TCP stream (→ → it's the DC, nope

    2. First TCP stream

What is the infected user's email password?

  1. frame contains password → 1 result, follow TCP stream

Two Window s executable files are sent in the network traffic. What are the SHA256 file hashes for these files?

  1. frame contains "DOS mode"→ 2 TCP results (→, follow TCP steam

  2. Cross-reference with Export HTTP Objects

  3. Download and hash:

    1. 4E76D73F3B303E481036ADA80C2EEBA8DB2F306CBC9323748560843C80B2FED1
    2. 934C84524389ECFB3B1DFCB28F9697A2B52EA0EBCAA510469F0D2D9086BCC79A


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